Sunday, May 16, 2010

"A blond girl that never understands anything"

Being compared to a blond girl that never understands anything isn't the easiest pill to swallow, especially when its coming from someone you think wants to see you be successful and improve.

So its been a while since I have blogged, its mainly because this will probably never top 10 views, that and because im always to lazy to type a fuck load. In any case I have been playing a large amount of poker. I as well have been trying to study a lot, and though I keep thinking im improving its clearly not the case. It really has not been a easy start to say the least. I am making so many mistakes that I am aware of.. yet I haven't been able to change my habits.

So many know that being apart of Rainman Poker and being coached personally by Nick "MI_Turtle" Rainey is something that I really want to achieve, yet when I look at myself and my mindset in poker, it is the total opposite of what Turtle looks for in his students.

So someone who I consider a friend, who was nice enough to compare me to a "blond girl that never understands anything", has really brought some insight on me. I can somewhat consider him a coach in many ways. He has tried to get me in the proper mindset to be a poker player, though I am probably a huge pain in his ass. I think when it comes to helping me with poker, or anything in general he feels like hes wasting his time, as I just listen to what he says than go off and continue doing the wrong things. I feel like such an ass-clown at this point, but there isn't much I can do, but it just gives me more motivation to improve. Fyi to everyone who is wondering about this random person im talking about, he is a poker player, and knows what hes talking about, so ill leave it at that.

This blog post was definitally not one that I expected to write about as my second blog, but its just to show that I have a long road ahead of me, and definitally a lot of improvement to do before I can really consider poker as something I want to do in he future. The fact that I am willing to put in hours on end, and willing to do what it takes to get there, gives me hope, but for now I need to take some steps back and re-evaluate everything, and actually commit to doing things the right way, not just talk about it.

Anyways, I hope my next blog will be a much better blog than this, with much more improvement and good things to say about my life with poker.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Blog Entry 1 : Introduction

Hey guys, so newly 18 years old, and finally legal to profit and learn more about the game I love. I was 14 when I was first introduced to poker.. I was almost hooked right away. I always played small games with my older friends back than, never really knew much about the game aside from the standard rules. I was 16 when I first watched a episode of poker, as weird as it is I couldn't get enough of it, I knew than I wanted to learn more about the game. Decided to talk to a few poker players on some of the different Poker Forums around. Started off by watching all the WSOP's on I got some advice from a High Stakes player on Stars not too long ago, and thats when I started doing heavy reading about poker. "No Limit Hold'em Theory and Practice - David Sklansky & Ed Miller" and "The Theory of Poker - David Sklansky" were the first books of many.

I think my main passion in poker is defenitally in the SnG (SitnGo) and MTT (Tournaments). I find them so much more fun, and exciting to play. I have spent the last year really focusing on my SnG and MTT play before I turned 18 so I had some knowledge to keep me from going busto right away.

My goal in the future is definitally to be playing poker for a fairly nice profit, but we all know that comes with hard work, lots of grinding, and tons of hours, which I am very prepared to do. I currently have somewhat of a coach right now, who has helped improve my game in many different ways already. Poker isn't just about playing the cards, its about playing your opponents as well. My goal as of now is just to get a decent starting bankroll and grind hours on end. At some point I will attempt to 'wooo' MI_Turtle with my skills, and join the Rainman's Elite Group!